There are only two dimensions to my matrix- value and control. But there’s no magic quadrant. Just four organizational mindsets that don’t always play nice.
The latest evolution puts value in use at the core of the matrix. The technology was never intended to generate the most profit. Rather, it was designed to help align everyone’s role with a corporation’s primary interest - to generate value in use or the capacity of a corporation to effect socially useful change. It’s called Phi. And it’s the stuff that keeps things moving.
Use it or share it. Tell me why it’s wrong or it’s too simple. But try not to ignore it.
2013 - Version 1.0
2014 -15 - DLMA ( Pronounced dilemma)
2016 - The Matrix Meets its Metaphor
2016 - Getting Professional
2017 - The Grand Tetons Version
2023 - Just Another Matrix ( JAM for Short)
You can read more on the evolution of the technology.